I learned something for the first time today!
IF SOME ONE WOULD ASK ME. DID I LEARN SOMETHING NEW TODAY THAT I NEVER KNEW BEFORE- I CAN ANWSER YES!! I learned a new halachah. The halachah is actually old- it only that I just learned it. Did you know that if you wanted a borrow something from me which you would use up and than later buy me a replacement ( eg; you borrowed a gallon of milk ) Im not allowed to give it to you unless you have some of that object now before you borrow it. You must have a least a glass of milk and than I can loan you a gallon. If you dont have some, than I can give you a little as a gift so you have some and than loan you as much as you need. ( yoreh da'ah siman 162). It is a concern regarding ribis.
Now that I have told you something that I learned for the very first time today- I would love to hear what you may have learned for the first time today.
the DAD
PS Thanks to everyone for your father day calls- I appreciated them
Now that I have told you something that I learned for the very first time today- I would love to hear what you may have learned for the first time today.
the DAD
PS Thanks to everyone for your father day calls- I appreciated them
I learned to make good pasta salad, but of course it only worked because I made it for someone else. In Zechut of a mitzvah.
Rolling hills of green, at 7:42 AM
I just learned that I can't lend milk to someone unless they already have some
Just Shu, at 9:29 AM
i just learned that walking to one stop can be a 4 hour long activity on a friday afternoon
SHEV, at 12:03 PM
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