I learned something new...
This week I went to the zoo with Shlomo and I learned something I had never known before. Ya'll ready for this... olive trees are part of the evergreen family. huh...who knew..ok, Shlomo knew, but who else :)
What did you learn this week?
What did you learn this week?
y would any1 cae?
Air Junior, at 11:03 AM
i learned that when kids dump a bowl of flour on your head and then spray you with a hose, dough forms all over you and it is disgustingly impossible to get off.
who else loves day camp??
SHEV, at 2:20 AM
Shev, I could have sworn you learned that last year!
Veev, at 4:36 AM
This week I learned that Olive Trees can be found in the Zoo. Until now I thought that only animals were found in the zoo. By the way "Olive" spelled backwards is evil o. Im not sure of the exact significance of this but I thought that i would share it anyways. THE DAD
dad, at 8:33 PM
The J'lem Zoo has lots of trees, many of which have signs providing lots of info about them.
Shlomo, at 6:51 AM
I learned that new cameras do not have holes to look through.
Veev, at 9:41 AM
I think they're called viewfinders
Shlomo, at 3:56 PM
I learned that there are no traffic signals in Ariel.
DonutsMom, at 9:36 AM
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