The Loop

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

a beautiful day

today is a beautiful day. the day started rainy and cloudy and a little bit cool it ended in sunchine and warm breeze and a tiger baseball win. i dont understand why they play so many day games. dont people work and go to school, how do they get people to go to the ballpark?


  • They have big brothers who take their little brothers to games

    By Blogger Unknown, at 1:54 AM  

  • have you noticed a problem that the Tigers have been sold out recently?

    By Blogger 2R, at 1:58 AM  

  • We like the afternoon games because we can watch/hear them live at a decent hour at night. (By "we" I, of course, am speaking in the general sense of the word, and am by no means referring to myself.)

    By Blogger Veev, at 5:34 AM  

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