The Loop

Sunday, February 27, 2005

Her Time

Unlike most published comments made by me, this one is actually written by me.

Hey there, all Zacks' in Cyberspace! I'm Aviva, have been a Zacks for almost ten years now, and am delighted to be in the Loop! I must apologize for not really being in touch with any of our foreign correspondents, but that doesn't mean anything's going to change. So if you want to be in touch with me the number is (248)967-1733, or text at (248)613-2822. Sorry, it's just how it is.

Teaching is going well, although I'm afraid I have made a few enemies in the parent body this week. You see, some parents do not feel their children should be held accountable for um....anything. And when my students treated a substitute teacher with so much disrepect and disregard for her feelings, some parents feel that the consequences were "excessive." I took away recess (10 minutes), during which time they were writing out the entire Perek we were learning (with T'nuot), and for homework, had them each sign a Teshuva form and write an essay on How to Treat a Teacher. Of course, the principal fully backed me. But on the form that was to be signed by parents and returned to me the following day by the students, some parents had written that it is NEVER OK to take away a child's recess and that the consequences were excessive. My question is, Why isn't it NEVER OK to treat a teacher with disrespect? Don't they realize that their children took their recess at Library that day when they were running around and acting wild for 40 minutes?

People, these children are our future leaders, and look who their parents are. Scary, ain't it?

Anyway, college is on Spring Break this week. Anybody want to fly down to Cancun with me?

Signing off.


  • that's funny. I read on some airtime that only kids from yeshiva misbehave. kids from akiva only use nice language and smile and get hugs.
    Maybe you were in the wrong school.
    or airtime is in a different dimension.

    By Blogger rockofgalilee, at 1:29 PM  

  • Just so all you know, T'nuot are dots

    By Blogger Air Time, at 12:50 AM  

  • I'm glad we have proper school bashing and definitions going on...what would a family blog be without that...
    Cancun...hmmm, I have an idea..why don't you vacation here! we'd have so much fun and I'd already be here! i could meet you at the airport and everything...

    By Blogger 2R, at 2:03 PM  

  • I thought the dots were called nekudos/t

    By Blogger Just Shu, at 9:12 PM  

  • Shu, only for ignorant Chutznikim.

    By Blogger Veev, at 9:06 PM  

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