The Loop

Sunday, April 09, 2006


ok so i know that by putting this on the loop im sort of making it an official question and i dunno if i wanna do that, but i really want ur guyzes opinions. so i was thinking of going to silver spring next year. mom and dad peoples said if i wanna go, i can. ive heard a lot of differant things about the school, and i talked to osmeone who went there and she said she thinks it would be really great for me. im thinking of going for an interview. im scared to leave detroit though. im having enough issues just switching my room! imagine switchings schools, cities, people...making new friends...and leaving my old ones. and of course, who would babysit jonah?!? anywho, just tell me what u think. i need input here!!! love ya guys, always n 4eva

btw happy pesach i gtg help mom


  • You should talk to people that are there now and see what they say about the school. Schools change very quickly.
    I think it's a good idea.
    What will your friend do for Shabbat? She may have to stay at her parents house!!!

    By Blogger stillruleall, at 5:02 PM  

  • I would stick out the two years in Detroit. it's really only a year/and a half...cuz the last 1/2 of senior doesn't really you know who your friends are, you know which teachers expect what, you know the system, you know the city, you'll eventually have a know the rules, etc...
    there...who knows. most probably it'll be more of the same.
    stick it'll leave BY soon enough....

    By Blogger 2R, at 7:42 PM  

  • Wow! I think you should look into it.

    By Blogger Veev, at 8:57 PM  

  • do you think it would change anything for you? do yo think you could put up living with another family?

    By Blogger Rolling hills of green, at 7:30 AM  

  • if one more person leaves detroit, devorah might not move back... please stay. for the sake of my children who are losing aunts and uncles and cousins left and right. who will babysit them if there favoritist aunt up and leaves them

    By Blogger docyaak, at 12:41 PM  

  • I don't think you should leave. You would very quickly find out how spoiled you really are. And that's no fun.

    By Blogger rockofgalilee, at 1:37 PM  

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