The Loop

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Absolut Saba

Yesterday, Bubby and Saba took out the local family for a goodbye lunch - they are on their way back to Florida today. Before they left Saba gave a nice parting gift 1.75 Litre bottle of Absolut Vodka.

I have two choices now, either exchange it for a bottle of Crown or start drinking Vodka : )


  • start drinking. They had a great ad I just saw n a business magazine here. One page is a blank silery "mirror" and the other is a backards absolut ad, "absolut reflection". its very cool

    By Blogger stillruleall, at 5:57 PM  

  • we could put our together and drink a good 3.50L together

    By Blogger docyaak, at 11:22 PM  

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