The Loop

Monday, July 24, 2006

Home Is Where The Sleeping Bag Is

Amonst other names, it appears that July, August, Sept is moving season.

I signed on an apartment with Jessica this week. We're going to be moving about 7 minutes walking from where I live now.

S&G, who are currently in Bayit V'gan will be staying in my new place in August as I have until Sept 1 in my current place. .

A&V's new place is nice. i saw it today filled with boxes and popping packing plastic.

M&D will be residing in the OC.

D&S, as far as I know are staying still for the time being.


  • so it seems that all is working out well, thats like sticking your tongue out at (c)hiz(z)bol(l)ah!

    By Blogger docyaak, at 8:46 PM  

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