Happy Chodesh!
Hey all, happy Rosh Chodesh....Mercaz HaRav is blasting music away now in honor of the chodesh....We had a wonderful dinner tonight, Shany made an excellent fish (marlusa in Hebrew. Maybe in English also.) and I made French onion soup. I don't like the French so I really made onion soup with bread and cheese. Nothing French to do with it. Anyway, we were looking at the hilchot Shabbat book and it seems to say pretty clearly that in order to open a Coke bottle on Shabbat you need to poke a hole in the cap so it's not a kli and then you can open the bottle. Otherwise if you just open it you are making a kli. Clearly we don't agree with that. Why not?
i believe the bottle top issue is with metal caps as a metal cap is formed to the top of the bottle as opposed to the plastic caps which are made separately and screwed on, therefore when your taking off the metal cap it is the first time the top is screwable and therefore making the kli, but the plastic tops were already formed so your not making anything new
i think
docyaak, at 8:27 PM
in order to comment i needed to put in my email address as my username NOT your real username, google stinks
docyaak, at 8:28 PM
i think to use the bottle cap as anything other then what it was being used for before: ie bottle, cap would be assur - but as it was a bottle cap, and now we are using it as a bottlecap nothing new was created...
2R, at 10:01 PM
there`s a problem with bottle caps, but with coke its a Chumra, and if you wanna make sure you`re ok- just open it befor shabbat.hadass
Shraga, at 5:18 AM
Hey Hadass, welcome to the Zacks family loop....
stillruleall, at 9:32 AM
This is the problem with reading books...We used to bring the paper on shabbos, them Mom read a book and we had to read the scores outside in the cold.
Just Shu, at 9:19 PM
Even the people who hold that it is assur ask the people who hold that it is not assur to open it. So they don't think it is that assur.
The only problem with what sarra said is that the minhag in shul was to use three bottle caps to play table hockey.
The issue is that you are not allowed to make a kli on shabbos. Look at the bottle cap. Did you make a kli?
rockofgalilee, at 1:03 AM
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