Which way to turn ?
Thursday I had a minor morale decision. - The story is that on Tuesday I came across an elderly very poor black lady who - without her glasses, was functionally blind and she had broken her glasses months ago. I took her old glass lenses and said it would take about 10 days and I could find a frame and it would only cost a little to fix them. It turns out the the next day Yaakov found a frame and fixed them- So now- I have the glasses 8 days earlier than promised- It is 4 pm and I am done with my work. I can either turn towards home and make it to mincha with a minyon or turn towards Detroit and deliver the glasses and miss davening with a minyon. I could daven- Just not with a minyon. Do I turn towards home or Detroit. Does doing a chesed for a goy over ride davening with a minyon?. I decided to deliver the glasses. So far 3 people have said that halachicly I was wrong. My argument to myself as I was deciding which way to turn was that we are commanded to walk in the ways of Hashem and he does chesed for goyim. What do you think . Should I have gone to detroit or to a minyon. Im not looking for emotional answers- only halacha
Signed- confused in golus
Signed- confused in golus
I'm not sure that there is a straight halachic answer in such a situation. However, if asked for my (unlearned) halachich opinion (as opposed to emotional...) I would have said deliver the glasses & skip Minyan.
Shlomo, at 9:50 AM
i didnt know ashe had already been months w/o the glasses, i change my answer now, and go to minyan
docyaak, at 10:08 AM
You started out by saying you had a moral dilemma. Morally, you should have gone to deliver the glasses as you soon as you could. You couldn't on Thursday because you had a previous personal commitment, Minyan.
Veev, at 1:38 PM
Im earning this in gemara....
You should have delivered the glasses . thAT was good. then you should have gone to minyan at maariv and davened 18 twice. tthe first time for maariv the second time for mincha. its called tfilat tashlumin
Brachot, tfilot hashachar,daf kaf vav
Air Junior, at 2:00 AM
No tashlumim necessary - the problem wasn't davening on time, just Minyan...
Shlomo, at 3:02 AM
But you're awesome with that Gemarakup, Oldest!
Veev, at 3:20 AM
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