Jonah the palentologist
I don't know where he got it from, but Jonah loves Dinosaurs, even more than baseball and trains I think. So today we took him to the University of Michigan museum on natural science to see some dinosaur fossils and skeletons and what not.
I don't think I've seen him so excited, he was running from exhibit to exhibit, grabbing my hands saying lets go see more dinosaurs. It was nuts, I've never seen him that excited. I know that never enjoyed going to a museum, let alone ran from exhibit to exhibit, but it was really cute
After that we went to teh hands on museum, which was OK, he enjoyed it, not nearly as much as the dinosaurs but what could you expect. All in all, a nice busy Sunday.
My mother is calling Social Services on Shauli for the first picture...
Veev, at 3:27 PM
yea, he didn't think it was funny as I did
Just Shu, at 9:54 PM
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