Hello- my name is Elmer and this is my wife Louise. We live in northern Michigan and would like to thank the entire Zacks family for letting us have CINNAMON these many yrs. You will be happy to know that Cin- we just call him cin- has 37 pups and grand pups. We all understand that there has been some doubt as to where cin is and our hope is that this puts the entire question to bed.
Love Elmer and LOUISE
Greetings from DAD- I had this letter for some time and thought that is was time to share it with everyone. If there is anyone on this blob that doesnt understand what it is taLKING ABOUT- thats just fine.
THE dad
OH! That clears up where Cinamon is...what is he?
By sabarich, at 8:01 PM
Batch's dog that she had for a few weeks. She went to the farm on June 3, 2002.
By Veev, at 12:17 AM
Cin is living with our old horse Sam
By Just Shu, at 1:15 PM
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