The Loop

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Updates from the Sar and Shlomo's

Shoshana wants to be mentioned on the loop. Adina just said that she does too

We are at Sarra and Shlomo's

Sruli just woke up from his nap, it's 6:45 and he's cranky.

Sarra is making Chocolate Milk, but it's sure how to funnel the cocoa powder into the OJ carton, where she poured the milk

Jonah is holding Chaya

Shlomo is getting Batchy from the Bus Station, I wonder if they'll get home before we eat and leave.

The Ziti and veggies are on the table.

When Nat asked what was for dinner, Sarra said Baked Ziti and Salads, but Nat heard Baked Ziti and Salmon. When I told Sarra that there was Salmon for dinner she was confused.

Now it's time to eat


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