The Loop

Friday, February 02, 2007


Ok, you asked for here goes...

Here's the story
of a crazy lady
who was riding the bus
and filled with spit
just looking for a target
who would her next victim be

Here's the story of a lovely lady
this one is my roomie
she was pushed on the bus
by someone passing
and she bumped crazy lady

Here's the story of an innocent lady
that's me, I was on the phone with Veev
Just talking about nothing
when i was hit with spit

See crazy lady yelled at roomie
that she bumped right into her
and while roomie appologized profusely
it was not enough

As we got off the bus the yelling continued
and then crazy lady did the the dirty dead
she looked at roomie and spit
but with no aim she hit me

And that's the way I came to be hit by spit.


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