posted by docyaak at 8:02 PM
Sammy doens't walk or have teeth, but he does have a fever
By Just Shu, at 10:45 PM
Shilo doesn't walk or have teeth or have a fever, but he does have the ability to roll over when we're not looking.
By stillruleall, at 11:24 PM
oooh, how many sleepless nights were those?
By Rolling hills of green, at 7:08 AM
can he turn over when you are looking?
By 2R, at 10:12 AM
nope. When we're watching he can only get to the side. But a few times we found him on his stomach and we had left him on his back.
By stillruleall, at 1:08 PM
i have no kids and none of them can do anything.
By SHEV, at 2:59 PM
That's good to hear, Shev.
By stillruleall, at 5:25 PM
shes keeping up with the jonses
By Rolling hills of green, at 6:19 AM
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Are you in 'da loop?
Sammy doens't walk or have teeth, but he does have a fever
Just Shu, at 10:45 PM
Shilo doesn't walk or have teeth or have a fever, but he does have the ability to roll over when we're not looking.
stillruleall, at 11:24 PM
oooh, how many sleepless nights were those?
Rolling hills of green, at 7:08 AM
can he turn over when you are looking?
2R, at 10:12 AM
nope. When we're watching he can only get to the side. But a few times we found him on his stomach and we had left him on his back.
stillruleall, at 1:08 PM
i have no kids and none of them can do anything.
SHEV, at 2:59 PM
That's good to hear, Shev.
stillruleall, at 5:25 PM
shes keeping up with the jonses
Rolling hills of green, at 6:19 AM
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