The Loop

Thursday, January 01, 2009

the detroit zacks bowling league

the D-Zacks bowling league bowled a combined 449 in its first game since taking the summer off. the kids league did almost equally well with a combined 200 in the bumper league. the winner was a man who brougth his own shoes and ball with him to the alley . he was listed as zayde and then cme me and then mom and then devo. everyone broke 100 points which is the first time in league histoy that feat has been attained. we look forward to many more games this league season and we'll be sure to keep you posted.oh yeah then we went to the senior zacks home for a scrumptious dinner of hot diggity dogs and ROMANIAN corned beef and soup. yumm


  • sounds like fun!!

    By Blogger Unknown, at 12:20 AM  

  • Sounds like a challenge. Next time you guys visit - we're going bowling in Israel!!!! You think Dad will bring his bowling ball and shoes then?

    By Blogger DonutsMom, at 5:45 AM  

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