The Loop

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

The Eagless has landed

Mom arrived on time, and I was amazingly there to see her walk out into the "blue ring of welcome" at Ben Gurion's airport - I know Ben is not his first name. Then we got into a shairut and came home to Katamon. Unpacking mixed with repacking we came up with a suitcase of things for David & Myshany - almost all their stuff fit into a small suitcase. We then hung out here, Mom met one of my roommates, and shmoozed over Mrs. Posy's mishloach manot until we decided it was dinner time. Shany finished work at 8, so around 8 we left my apartment and walked to town. David & I decided to treat Mom to a Dairy place - shocked? - really nice called The Ticho House. {Treating in this case meant we would arrange for her to take us out to a dairy place that she would enjoy :)}


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