Do babies know?
Lately Jonah has been acting up at bedtime, refusing to go to sleep unless he was holding onto either Nat or me. I figure he’s a baby and he’s going through a stage. Nat is convinced it’s due to all the traveling we’ve been doing; he cant get on a schedule isn’t used to whatever crib he sleeps in at night. I’m not as convinced, the way see it, this is the only life he knows, for all his knowledge this is normal, one day White Oak, the next Detroit. It’s not like we travel without him, that his thought process is “We’re in Detroit, I wonder if Mom and Dad came this time” Perhaps Nat is right, (and she usually is, she reads more books than me) all this traveling is screwing up Jonah, can it be fixed, or are we doomed to spend all our nights leaning into his crib or lying in a bed holding him until he falls sleep. The annoying part is there is no end in site. We don’t know when our time is up in Pittsburgh, what we do know is We are going back to Pittsburgh on Monday or Tuesday morning, then going to NY July 15th for a few days. After that I have a meeting in Detroit, which will be followed by a week long stay in STL in mid August. After that Nat says she is never traveling again
hello mr parents screwed me up before I could talk b/c they raised me in a car seat...
no, seriously, Arye and sim were shuttled back and forth every week to mckeesport...and look at them... :)
2R, at 9:34 AM
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