posted by SHEV at 12:55 PM
Definitely periwinkle.
By Veev, at 10:39 PM
is it 'crayn' or 'cray-on'and i think its a toss up between cerulean and timberwolf. how come the markers don't have cool color names?
By docyaak, at 9:40 AM
fuchsia. definitely fuchsia
By stillruleall, at 10:47 AM
Althogh I am a chartruse fan.
By Veev, at 11:00 AM
After much deliberation mom and I chose Mountain Meadow.
By 2R, at 11:21 AM
mountain meadow- is that in the standard 24 pack or the larger 64 pack?
By docyaak, at 12:31 PM
mountain meadow?davod= fuschia? somethin ud like 2 share w/ the family?
By SHEV, at 5:21 PM
Why would I want to lock myself intoone color?
By Just Shu, at 8:55 PM
Pacific blue, granny smith apple, sky blue, or silver!
By DonutsMom, at 9:24 PM
yellow. it makes me smile
By Ittay, at 3:06 AM
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Are you in 'da loop?
Definitely periwinkle.
Veev, at 10:39 PM
is it 'crayn' or 'cray-on'
and i think its a toss up between cerulean and timberwolf. how come the markers don't have cool color names?
docyaak, at 9:40 AM
fuchsia. definitely fuchsia
stillruleall, at 10:47 AM
Althogh I am a chartruse fan.
Veev, at 11:00 AM
After much deliberation mom and I chose Mountain Meadow.
2R, at 11:21 AM
mountain meadow- is that in the standard 24 pack or the larger 64 pack?
docyaak, at 12:31 PM
mountain meadow?
davod= fuschia? somethin ud like 2 share w/ the family?
SHEV, at 5:21 PM
Why would I want to lock myself intoone color?
Just Shu, at 8:55 PM
Pacific blue, granny smith apple, sky blue, or silver!
DonutsMom, at 9:24 PM
yellow. it makes me smile
Ittay, at 3:06 AM
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