The Loop

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Surprisingly Upbeat

Name that movie for 2 points.

So, work is great. (Oh, I was told in July that they couldn't pay me for June, July, August, Sept, and Oct. Then about three weeks ago there was the program scare that they were going to pull the funding for the program. I spent two weeks first fighting for a meeting, preparing for the meetings, and having meetings about the importance of the program, and the financial gain for the organization to invest in this program. I won. I started here again on Sunday. I'm working on recruitment, calling america and finding out about funny sounding ticket packages like VUSA)
Moved apartments. (So, our movers didn't show up three days in a row. Jessica was in a cab complaining to the driver about how frusterated she was about our stupid unreliable movers and he said he has a friend with a truck they can move us. We were going to pay $500, Jess got these guys down to 650 shek. Five hours later they decided that was not enough, and 950 shek was more fair. Hmmm....)
Apartment is clean. (Clean from the grime that was on the floor, cabinets, closets, mirrors, walls, and off course the dishes and pots. Clean from bugs who have been trying to live in our apartment, survived the RAID I shot at them, but couldn't handle the exterminator who came yesterday. Clean of insecacide, that the wonderful exterminator sprayed everywhere.)
Internet will be hooked up. (They are supposed to come put in a phone line Sept. 20th. I'll let you know how that goes. That is the reason I have not been online, or blogged in a while. My roommate has internet, but her router can't be wireless, and our routers arent' so compatible, and she works from home American hours, and then goes to sleep with the computer in her room - but I'm otherwise always welcome to use it...)
and AVIVA IS COMING! (yeah!!)


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