A new year- A new Effort
Greetings to everyone- Its been a long time since I posted- partly because I forgot how to log on. We had a great visit with David and Shany and look forward to visiting them in their new apt- not quite sure when that will be , but hopefully sooner than later. Very excited about Sarra (2rs) up comming visit. I was thinking that perhaps if there was no upper age limit- I could be part of your program. It sounds like a great way to spend a yr. I had what I think is a chidush walking home from shul. It may not be a chidush - just something that i heard and now forgot that I heard it. Also- it isnt related to anything in particular- just a chidush. As a pre amble- Batch didn't like it- I would be interested in knowing if anyone has heard this thought before- Here goes- Given that the purpose of a Jew is to serve Hashem as an evid(slave)- The true purpose of going down to Eygpt was to teach Klal Yisrael how to be slaves- Once we learned how to be a slave to pharoah- now we can be slaves to Hashem. Thats it- oh well Happy an easy fast to all and to all - a very good night
Very nice, but the avot did a great job being avadim before egypt. Although you could argue that the brothers had too much ga'ava which is why the whole thing with yosef happened. and so egypt would in fact have done ust as you proposed. However, Adam had the power to be a perfect avad before he messed up.
Rolling hills of green, at 10:19 AM
I'm down with your chidish dad, and you're welcome to come to the program at any point during the year no charge :)
I think the avot did not serve Hashem as avadim, but rather as an intellectual and factual derech.
2R, at 10:27 AM
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