The Loop

Sunday, March 12, 2006

all's well B"H

we just wanted everyone to know that b'h nobody got hurt today in the boston zacks household,
and chanalana is doing b'h well. her physical scars are healing and her mental scarring is probably just begining. but hopefully that will heal with her siblings' mental healing by the time they hit their 20's.
today we went to our shul Purim carnival. Yael was a mommy, (denim skirt. and snood) shira was a princess/ queen esther and chanalana wanted to wear a snood too.
a good time was had by all. BUT they also have this thing where people bake things and then the shul sells them at a "fair price" well I made chocolate chip cookies (awesome ones!) but so did a few other people. well, i made BIG cookies and the price was .15 cents, another someone made smaller cookies and the price was 2/.25 cents. so people were buying this other persons cookies probably because you get 2 for one price. but my cookies looked and tastted 100 times better but some people will never know that. poor poor people. i was thinking maybe they shouldve put a sign on MY cookies saying 2/.30 cents. then people would think they are getting a better deal


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