Specifically Untitled
I did not Title this because the orignal title would have gotten people very excited/confused for no reason. So i'll start with the story and then give you the title. I am writing this from Maalot. Both of my groups were in Tzefat today. There were so many issues going on with the groups that I felt it necessary to come up here and see that things were running more smoothly. The truth is by the time the train was halfway to Naharia things were much better having been taken care of over the phone. Not as simple as it sounds reading this here, but that's a rant i just don't have the energy to go into now. Sim picked me up from the train in Naharia. In the car on the way over to Maalot David called. Being that we were in the car, Sims phone was on speaker and so we both said hi. Needless to say David was a bit confused as to why we were together. Sim told him it was because I got frusterated at the world and so I came home for the night. Was a bit of a funny thing to say, but so true. Nothing could have been better then being woken up this morning by my nieces & nephews. Title was, So I'm Home. Can't wait until you're all living here...
so wait...you live in Maalot now?
Just Shu, at 6:55 PM
I think that's what Sar was afraid we would think.
Veev, at 10:14 PM
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