The Loop

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Poor Jonah

Jonah woke up this morning and it looked like a bug got inside his pajamas and had a feast. (This would explain why he slept like crap) He had what looked liek bites all over his legs, and one big red splotch on his shoulders. At first we thought it was G-d informing us that having our little boy wear tights, even on Purim, wasn't cool. But teh ones on his shoulders told us that was unrelated to tight wearing.

Nat whisked him to the Doctor, and after an hour of waiting in the office, she was finally seen. The initial thouyght was perhaps he had strep, but the strep test said otherwise. Then the Doctor decided that it must have been the motrin Jonah had before bed.

The big red splotches, which turned out to be hives, went away for teh most part. And tomorrow Nat and Jonah take off to NY for about a week, I hope he feels all better


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