Today was a day of mixed emotions. Firstly, it was sad that we were not at brunch. But we hope everyone else had a good time. Secondly, it was sad because we paid a shiva call. Now we did hear this thing about not going to a shiva houses in the first year and all that, but its not brought down in halacha, so its really more of a suggestion. And the shiva-er is Uncle Avis (who made awesome Sheva Brachot at his house,) fiance. She is also the one who taught me math (although I did fail anyway-i didnt bring that up). So we went and it was a depressing Shiva house. Not like the kind our family make, this was the kind where people sit on the floor and cry, and everyone is quiet. there were a few hundred people there, it was crazy. But on the way to the shiva house we got a call that our friends were making a BBQ. So after being depressed for a while, we went to a good BBQ in Yemin Moshe. So the day was saved. We had hamburgers chicken wings kabobs and hot dogs. Shanys Spanishy friends made the party so i didnt follow most of the conversation, but a guy was playing guitar the whole time and sang "knocking on heavens door" in russian. he made it up but it sounded good anyway. So that was our day. Tomorrow is a school day :-(
IMPORTANT QUESTION: Does everyone say that Ribono shel Olam thing dad says after shalom aleichem? For the second time I made kiddush since marriage (this time at my in kaws house-they werent there, we were babysitting the kids) and I wasnt sure if i should say it. So I followed the rule; When in doubt do without.
One final thing, Shany's third shidduch has just gotten engaged so my wifey is going to heaven!!!
IMPORTANT QUESTION: Does everyone say that Ribono shel Olam thing dad says after shalom aleichem? For the second time I made kiddush since marriage (this time at my in kaws house-they werent there, we were babysitting the kids) and I wasnt sure if i should say it. So I followed the rule; When in doubt do without.
One final thing, Shany's third shidduch has just gotten engaged so my wifey is going to heaven!!!
BBQ and Shiva houses! you have more fun then me...
2R, at 6:26 PM
I'm sorry that Shany's people don't put the fun in FUNeral..As far as teh ribbno shel olam, I used to say it only when I eat at home, but lately i havent said it at all...Its kinda long..Nat thinks I should say it
Just Shu, at 8:34 PM
Lee always said that tephilla and therefore I always say it- It is a beautiful tephilla. We should take every opportunity we have to be involved in conversation with Hashem and what more appropriate time then at the shabbot table to say this tephilla- read it in english and if it moves you then say it
dad, at 8:35 PM
i say it. it kinda gives a break between singing shalom alaichem and aishes chayil. its when devorah has a chance to talk to our guests. but i only say it at home.
and LEE SAID IT (and thats really the basis for all our customs)
docyaak, at 9:13 PM
DAD - tephilla? that's cool.
2R, at 4:39 AM
I almost always say it when I am at home, except when we have a lot of company and the kids are starting to get wild and its getting late (ok, so it has only happened about twice in 9 1/2 years that I skipped it)
Air Time, at 7:38 PM
At 10 PM in the summertime, as I am sinking into a coma, I actually appreciate the snooze on the table while my beloved says the Yehi Ratzon and then makes me stand up for Kiddush.
Veev, at 11:22 PM
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