The day didn't start out very well- I was minding my own business eating a healthy breakfast ( cherriios and waffles - no syrup) when my blessed wife of many years whom I love dearly and would give half my kingdom for -began screaming - "There is an animal in the fireplace-Well immediately after finishing my coffee and last bite of waffle I ran to the fire place and low and behold - there was a large black bird inside the fireplace- and no way for it to get out- So I decided that there was nothing I could do about the situation- Just leave the bird there and eventual it will die and than I will remove it- So I told Mom good bye and went to learn at the kollel like every good Jewish husband- I didnt realize that I had moved into the dog-house until Mom called me later and informed me that Mrs Rabinowitz- the all knowing 1/16 indian- able to indentify all the edible parts of our lawn - had come over and removed the bird using magic or kisuf or something like that and that I had abondoned her in her time of need- So here I sit in the dog house where it is quiet cold trying to fiqure out what else I should have done ? What would y'all have done
Perplexed in bird land
Perplexed in bird land
Um.... not have left your beloved wife until the situation was resolved (read: the bird was GONE -dead or alive!!!!).
Love, Nat
Just Shu, at 10:36 PM
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Just Shu, at 10:48 PM
Dear perplexed
I would have lit a fire and smoked that birdie right out. If it wouldnt leave, we'd be eating barbq birdie for dinner.
Just Shu, at 10:49 PM
I feel that your learning is very important but sometimes your being tested by G-d that in that case you could have replaced learning by helping your wife. Avodat Hashem is reflected through many things other then limud Torah
(From Shany-first time blogger!!!
quoting R' Eran Tamir)
typed by David
stillruleall, at 2:34 AM
Dad, I wouldn't have expected anything less...who were you going to call...Dr. Belen? Mom knows the contacts and the two of you trying to figure out how to debird the chimney...well...
2R, at 5:53 AM
I feel that the bird got in by itself and it could probably get out by itself. I have found that sometimes wives in need (not that this would apply to mom) sometimes panic and start getting very upset for a minor issue. As an example, in one situation in our house the kid didn't even end up with a bump on his head.
rockofgalilee, at 7:33 AM
I agree with Mom here. Daddy, with all due respect, not only did you not RUN to see what Mom was talking about, eating the rest of your breakfast, but then you left the scene. Oy! Sim, I expect that answer from you, and now I see heredity in the works. :)
Veev, at 4:27 PM
thanx for the support Veev. I'd be there for you Mom!!
Rolling hills of green, at 3:37 PM
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Rolling hills of green, at 3:37 PM
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Rolling hills of green, at 3:37 PM
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