The Loop

Friday, March 04, 2005

this is what u get for being a zacks :)

hey. im not tryin 2 b accusatory, or anything- but i'd just like to mention the strange looks i've gotten because of this family. so first, in rabbi rothbarts navi class, for some reason we were talking about flashbacks. so i said oh! my brothers get flashbacks back to the 'nam! well....lets just say that didnt go over so well. then, we were in computers and we were singing the lenero family lives in spain song. well, we got up to the lalalalalalalala part, and what do i do? i sing-very loudly- sweet pickles... and then they all yelled @ me for messing up the effect. oh well....what am i supposed to do? so i explained the family traditions to the class, and i got a lot of blank stares- and when i was telling them some family stories (to show them why im so strange sometimes) i got some comments like....ohhhhh thats the brother that went to the army, right? or...thats jonah's dad! the best was- oh- thats the one i saw @ one stop 4 years ago, right? (i had been talking about simmy....) but oh well. some people will just never understand. oh- speaking of weird family members and funny stories..... i just thought i'd share this with you.
ME: guess what rivka? i just found out that Gay Cousin Howard's first name is NOT Gay Cousin!
RIVKA: ooooh- i was trying to figure out why everyone in your family had the same name!
lol...i gueess you had to be there but it was funny ;) dont worry- we still love rivka! ok...being that it's friday, im guessing eli is gonna come soon so im gonna go....seyanora, hasta lavista, ciao, and PEACE OUT!

luv ya



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