Chag for you, not for me
I tried blogging before Chag but it didnt work so I lost my blog. In short, I had a great story about our new relative Reb Yaakov Zacks (Zacks with a shin, not samech), who told me if I spell my name the correct way (witha shin) then ill have protexia. He really wants to meet dad. we shmoozed for like an hour but the main point was I sold my chametz.
as I'm blogging this, you Americans Zacks are in the middle of First day Yom Tov. You still have another seder, then another day of chag. Were finished. Were here in Maalot still. Sim was a bit sick for the seder, but overall chag was nice. Were off to a tzimmer (cabin) tomorrow.
Sim says hi. Hes on vacation now so maybe hell blog.
MyShans birthday is coming up. Last year it was on Yom HaAtzmaut (thats not Holocaust day, Yaakov, thats Independence day), this year its on Pesach.
Moadim LSimcha everyone.
as I'm blogging this, you Americans Zacks are in the middle of First day Yom Tov. You still have another seder, then another day of chag. Were finished. Were here in Maalot still. Sim was a bit sick for the seder, but overall chag was nice. Were off to a tzimmer (cabin) tomorrow.
Sim says hi. Hes on vacation now so maybe hell blog.
MyShans birthday is coming up. Last year it was on Yom HaAtzmaut (thats not Holocaust day, Yaakov, thats Independence day), this year its on Pesach.
Moadim LSimcha everyone.
i dont think its nice to tease. mom says if you have nothing nice to say then say nothing. is ti nice that you're yomtov was over and ours was still snowing? yup snow but youve all heard about that. what im trying to say is everyone knows yom haatzamos is the day of the bones which is a sad day and yom haatzmaooooot is a happy day. and sometiomes they get mixed up
docyaak, at 5:37 PM
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