purim problems
Purim is coming up and our thoughts are on the celebration
Shira wanted to be queen Esther and Yael told her that that was stupid cuz everyone is queen Esther. After a while of realizing that she couldn't convince shira with the whole "be your own dog" argument she stated that she will be haman so she can "get" all of the stupid queen esthers.
Well shira is now scared that if she is esther - haman will want to kill her... and yael has been banned from being haman....so the whole family is planning to dress up like vashty
Our next thought is on our seuda situation. As shauli and nat can attest it has not always worked out like we have wanted it to here. we now have friends but lots of them are friends with older marrieds that have invited them already (i know - with me already being 28 you can just imagin how old the older married people must be). So we are thinking that we had fun last year at a seuda with 2 fun families who have been switching off for a few years. BUT since they have been switching off for a while have we not gotten the invite cuz they are waiting for us to suggest it be at our house or have they just not invited us this year.
So here is the question of the day .... Should we take the initiative and invite them?
Okay so here is the hesitation - should we really be assuming that there is a yet in the "oh they haven't invited us to join in their seuda yet"
the next issue is pure lazyness - do you all know that this whole shebang is on a friday - yup we have to cook for shabbos and i would have to cook for 2 other large families with kids that really eat!
Shira wanted to be queen Esther and Yael told her that that was stupid cuz everyone is queen Esther. After a while of realizing that she couldn't convince shira with the whole "be your own dog" argument she stated that she will be haman so she can "get" all of the stupid queen esthers.
Well shira is now scared that if she is esther - haman will want to kill her... and yael has been banned from being haman....so the whole family is planning to dress up like vashty
Our next thought is on our seuda situation. As shauli and nat can attest it has not always worked out like we have wanted it to here. we now have friends but lots of them are friends with older marrieds that have invited them already (i know - with me already being 28 you can just imagin how old the older married people must be). So we are thinking that we had fun last year at a seuda with 2 fun families who have been switching off for a few years. BUT since they have been switching off for a while have we not gotten the invite cuz they are waiting for us to suggest it be at our house or have they just not invited us this year.
So here is the question of the day .... Should we take the initiative and invite them?
Okay so here is the hesitation - should we really be assuming that there is a yet in the "oh they haven't invited us to join in their seuda yet"
the next issue is pure lazyness - do you all know that this whole shebang is on a friday - yup we have to cook for shabbos and i would have to cook for 2 other large families with kids that really eat!
I say go for it and invite the families. Make your purim fun! I am planning on cooking for shabbat and freezing it, that week while all of my family will be in Yerushalaim and having a brunch purim seuda bbq.
Rolling hills of green, at 4:40 AM
I say if yael wants to be Haman then so be it..and Shira should just watch her back..
Just Shu, at 10:37 AM
I say if yael wants to be Haman then so be it..and Shira should just watch her back..
Just Shu, at 10:37 AM
I think if it is a switch off thing and you only went one year then you would have to be invited this year before you are officially "part of it" and then next year it would be your turn.
On the other hand, it would be fun inviting them and pushing your way into the loop.
rockofgalilee, at 1:50 PM
also I don't think it's fair to tell yael she can't be haman. If she wants to get the stupid queen esthers, that's her right.
rockofgalilee, at 1:50 PM
I would like to amend my post. The bbq purim brunch will be in Maalot. I am cooking while all the people are in Jerusalem. just in case some people are confused. Clear now Dav?
Rolling hills of green, at 3:02 PM
I think Yael will make a great Haman
stillruleall, at 5:25 PM
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