a beautiful chag was had by all
Editor's Note: This is Yaakov's "long and funny" blog about chag :)
our chag started out with pinny, melissa, ariella, rena and yoni all cozying up in our one room sukkah sitting in our back yard. the temps were frigid but the warmth was felt by all. there was singing and laughter and drinking and soup to keep us warm. really i think the soup was the clincher. we only had one bee visit our sukkah area and it was hanging around outsid on the steps to the porch. and it seemed to have a bad leg or wing, it wasnt going anywhere fast but it sufficiently freaked out my kids so i had it removed. the only other flying objects in the sukkah were a few moths and a sippy cup.
then we had a restful day or two of chol hamoed whiule we waited for my mother inlaw to come in for shabbos
another lovely time in the sukkah with more soup and singing then a nother day of chol and then mom and dad and batch came in for shmini atzeres and simchas torah.
our chag started out with pinny, melissa, ariella, rena and yoni all cozying up in our one room sukkah sitting in our back yard. the temps were frigid but the warmth was felt by all. there was singing and laughter and drinking and soup to keep us warm. really i think the soup was the clincher. we only had one bee visit our sukkah area and it was hanging around outsid on the steps to the porch. and it seemed to have a bad leg or wing, it wasnt going anywhere fast but it sufficiently freaked out my kids so i had it removed. the only other flying objects in the sukkah were a few moths and a sippy cup.
then we had a restful day or two of chol hamoed whiule we waited for my mother inlaw to come in for shabbos
another lovely time in the sukkah with more soup and singing then a nother day of chol and then mom and dad and batch came in for shmini atzeres and simchas torah.
so much fun, we only had a couple of bee's as well.
Rolling hills of green, at 2:31 AM
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