Greetings from Detroit
I thought that it would be nice to have a place to give over some interesting torah tidbits that you may have heard during the week . I invite anyone ,including ladies ,who heard a good vort or drusha to add their comments to my blog .
I have always wandered why every g'mera begins with the minute details of a topic instead of beginning with overall general information. The first topic of the g'mera is krias shema- I would have begun with the importance of saying shema- the proper kavena- what happens in heaven when we say shema etc- instead the g'mera begins with the exact time one can start saying it and the exact time its too late- Why? Because the oral torah is only writing down what might be forgotten- the details- but the big picture- The rebbi was still able to give over to the student orally so it wasn't necessary to write it down- OH! I look forward to reading your torah
Love DAD
I thought that it would be nice to have a place to give over some interesting torah tidbits that you may have heard during the week . I invite anyone ,including ladies ,who heard a good vort or drusha to add their comments to my blog .
I have always wandered why every g'mera begins with the minute details of a topic instead of beginning with overall general information. The first topic of the g'mera is krias shema- I would have begun with the importance of saying shema- the proper kavena- what happens in heaven when we say shema etc- instead the g'mera begins with the exact time one can start saying it and the exact time its too late- Why? Because the oral torah is only writing down what might be forgotten- the details- but the big picture- The rebbi was still able to give over to the student orally so it wasn't necessary to write it down- OH! I look forward to reading your torah
Love DAD
There is a special Mitzvah to love a Ger. There is also a Mitzvah to love a fellow jew. So if you act in a loving way toward a group of 25 jews, among them 2 Gerim, did you get credit for 27 mitzvot (25 vahavta lraecha comocha and 2 thou shalt love a ger) or since you did not do anything special for the ger, do you only get the 25 mitzvot of loving a fellow jew.
On the same topic, what if two people come asking for money. One is a ger, the other is a yisroel. If you can only give to one of them, to whom should you give? Wouldn't the mitzvah of loving a ger tip the scale toward having one give the tzedakah to a Ger (and thus, the double mitzvah) rather than to a Yisroel? Yet, when the Rambam lists his priorities of Tzedakkah, he does not list ger first. In fact, he doesn't list Ger until after Cohen, Levi, Yisroel, Cussi, Afoosi, and Mamzer (there may be one other; I don't remember everyone)
Finally, Halacha says if you see a fellow jew committing adultery, you have an obligation to hate the person, as he is a Rasha. However, what is the halacha of a ger. If you see a Ger committing a sin that would categorize him as a rasha, do you have a mitzvah to hate the Ger? Or is he protected by the 36 times it says in the torah to love a ger, and requires that you continue to afford him special Ger status?
Air Time, at 12:57 AM
Isnt the family rule that all questions have to be rhetorical?
stillruleall, at 3:52 AM
Ok. so three guys walk into a bar...
Just Joking.
The Rambam says anyone who can move to Eretz Yisroel and does not is like an idol worshipper.
But if you live in eretz yisroel and do not follow the commandments then it is like spitting on the king in the palace.
According to one comment in todays daf yomi god gets very angry at the time in the morning when all the kings get up to worship the sun (in other words idolatry).
The question is obviously when people get up in chootz la'aretz, does that also make god very angry?
rockofgalilee, at 1:59 PM
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