The Loop

Sunday, March 20, 2005

You take the high road

Dr Last and I were walking to mincha and the sidewalk was under water, so we went onto the soogy grass and I sang " You take the high road and Ill take the low road and Ill be in Dublin before you" He said it wasnt Dublin- It was Scotland- How wrong can a guy be!- In shul we asked everyone what the correct word was - 3 said Dublin 6 said Scotland and 1 said California- At the Turgow bar mitzvah that night- I continued my search for the truth. Mom agreed with me that it was Dublin- We even asked both Rabbi and Mrs Irons- ( known experts in trivia) and they both said they couldn't remember. Finally we went to GOOGLE and it found the song for us and resolved this burning question- ANSWER IS SCOTLAND. I tell you this story just to point out that no matter how sure you are of something- you may be wrong.

Purim Question- Given that Haman was Amalek and that we have a mitzvah to destroy Amalek- How is that the G'mera says that his grandchildren learned Torah in Bnei Brak- Why didnt we kill them- Aren't they also Amalek- Please answer in 25 words or less


  • There is a shailah if women are mechuyav in hearing Parshat Zachor, since they are not going to go out to war...
    With that in mind, I say the answer lays in the fact that they were in B'nei women they do not generally serve. The Amalaki grandchildren are safe. :) Don't's for the sake of Purim Torah!

    By Blogger 2R, at 7:26 PM  

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    By Blogger stillruleall, at 1:59 AM  

  • They put on Peyos and a beard and no one could find them.

    By Blogger stillruleall, at 2:00 AM  

  • I don't know. I'm patur from learning Gemara.

    By Blogger Veev, at 10:51 AM  

  • google it

    By Blogger docyaak, at 8:38 PM  

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