The Loop

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Greetings from Detroit- It was a great Holiday season. Everyone heard lots of d'vrei torah and I would be interested in hearing what was the best- most unusual - off the wall- piece of torah that you heard. The dayan gave an interesting insight into the long list of 70 nations that came from Noah at the end of the parsha- He was talking about the 70 bulls that were brought on Succoth. He asked why the torah thought it was necessary to list all the 70 families. Answer is-!! It proves the authenticity of the torah. Moshe said this story of Babel 800 yrs after it happened and he said prior to it there was only one language in the world. People could check to see if that was true. They could look at old documents or maunscripts- inscriptions on buildings and prove to themselves that in deed- just 800 yrs earlier there was only one language. I thought that was so neat. Your turn
Batch has had a rufuah shelama. Looking forward to the return of R and V to hear about their trip. Happy Rosh Chodesh


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