Hakol Tost
QuickTorah: A.Gemara: If you go to a seudat chattan (i.e. a wedding) and you dont make simcha, you have sinned. The Berdichever says: We dont really know exactly how to be misamaech these days so thats why the girl pays for the wedding, so its not really a seudat chattan. B. The gemara says If someone says Shalom to you and you dont reply, your a thief. The Rabbi who does the daf on the internet says: if someone doesnt have their head covered you shouldnt say Shalom to him because then hell reply, and Shalom is G-ds name, and then he'll be saying G-ds name in vain. I think if you wish someone shalom, it is friendly and increases ahavat yisrael, and for things like shalom bayit G-d allows his name to erased (like by the Sota). So I think you should still say hi to people whos heads arent covered, jus dont say shalom, say "allo" or "ma nishma."
I am not taking Hebrew this semester. I told the lady at the office that I dont want to take it cuz there are too many girls. She told me that that is a reason to take it. Then I told her I was married so she agreed with me. I do feel bad though cuz now there is only one married guy and 15 girls. Shany has convinced me not to switch my major. I agreed, but mainly cuz I dont know what else to do. Meanwhile I have my make up(not like lipstick, like try again) test in 2 weeks and I still dont know it. On a positive note, on Thursday I have an appt with the Absorption Ministry, hopefully they will start paying me for making aliyah. I learned a new phrase this week. Hakol Tost. It means everything chilled out. Also, my Shany got an 80 on a test, but since so many girls failed they gave everyone an extra 10 points, so now she has a 90. Shavua Tov from Yerushalayim Ir Hakodesh.
I am not taking Hebrew this semester. I told the lady at the office that I dont want to take it cuz there are too many girls. She told me that that is a reason to take it. Then I told her I was married so she agreed with me. I do feel bad though cuz now there is only one married guy and 15 girls. Shany has convinced me not to switch my major. I agreed, but mainly cuz I dont know what else to do. Meanwhile I have my make up(not like lipstick, like try again) test in 2 weeks and I still dont know it. On a positive note, on Thursday I have an appt with the Absorption Ministry, hopefully they will start paying me for making aliyah. I learned a new phrase this week. Hakol Tost. It means everything chilled out. Also, my Shany got an 80 on a test, but since so many girls failed they gave everyone an extra 10 points, so now she has a 90. Shavua Tov from Yerushalayim Ir Hakodesh.
Dav- My Israeli friend Miri who has only been in Chutz La'Aretz for 6 months wants to know exactly where this phrase is from. She feels she cannot be so far out of the Israeli slang Loop, so it must be from some pop ure she missed.
Veev, at 2:07 PM
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