The Loop

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Today we get the keys

We are meeting our new landlords today, signing over all the bills in our name and getting the keys.
Moving day will be on July 4th. Unpacking day starts on the 4th and will probably go on forever

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Happy Graduation

Thursday, June 23, 2011

More Mazal Tovs

And on the 22nd night of Sivan (כ"ב סיון)...

- Happy 9th, Nava

- Happy 8th, Shauli & Natalie

May there be many more happies

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

!!!מזל טוב

Dear Shan & Asher...

Wishing we were there with you!!!

See you soon :)

We have a new home

As we approach our third year in Israel we have found our 3rd home, each time it gets a little bigger so that's nice. It's very close to where we currently live, and even closer to the shul that we like. I'll post pictures when we actually move in. We get the keys on July 1st and we hand in our old keys on July 7th. So the next few weeks will be pretty hectic as we attempt to pack up and move AGAIN.
We hope that this is the last time we move for a long time.

Finally found hotel w 2 open rooms not adjoining . I say kids in 1 and Devo and I in the other. She says we split up with the kids . What'd you think?

Sunday, June 19, 2011

happy anniversary R&V

Dear Sim,

Happy double-חי!

Sunday, June 12, 2011


So far I am not saving seats for anyone for tomorrow night's concert. Please let me know via phone if this is untrue.

The second concert, on July 17, is at a cost of 20 NIS per ticket when purchased via the choir leader. I already know that Mom and Dad are going. Is there anyone else? I need to order tickets by tomorrow night.

Friday, June 10, 2011

If you are interested

Fry is in two concerts in the next few weeks:

The first one is this coming Monday and is at an outdoor amphi on the beach in Netanya and is free of charge. It's a Kenes Makhelot, with all of the choir leader's choirs performing. Fry is scheduled to solo. It's Monday, June 13, at 7:30. If you are coming please let us know so we can save you seats.

The second concert is in Yerushalayim at the amphi at Har Hatzofim, on Sunday, July 17. We will find out more details about this one in the next couple of weeks.

Monday, June 06, 2011


To everyone who filled out my surve4y questionnaire, thanks. We had our presentation yesterday and I think it went well.

Friday, June 03, 2011

Photo Taken on Skype

From Nava's new camera.