The Loop

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

It's A BBQ!!

Shlomo & I would like to invite all our siblings (Israeli & American) to a Yom Ha'atzmaut BBQ to fulfill the mitzva of the day (thou shall grill meat, and then eat it) Please let us know if you can make it, so we can determine quantities and location :)
Yaakov & Shauli - now you can't say I didn't give you enough advance notice... see you in Jlem :)

we made it

after a very loooooong drive thru several states we made it to mom bulmans house. the kids were great in the car, yael listened to a 3 hour book on cd and shira and chanalana watched a few dvds. ahron cried when he got bored, thats what made it a long drive. devorah drove for over an hour and so did i .
i think my favorite part of the trip is now when only 2 hours after we arrive, all the kids are finally sleeping and i have already secured the hard to get street parking spot.
the scariest part of the trip was when chanalana said she wasnt felling very well so i pulled onto the shoulder to let her out as get some fresh air (i just changed the cabin air filter so the air in the car should have been pretty fresh already) but devo got out with her and told her to walk around, pointing to the grassy area next to the car. devo hen turned aaround to get somerthing from the car and we hear a lot of honking and we turn around and chananlana is /not in the grassy area, she decided to walk around the car instead so she was on the highway side. needless to say this post is called the long drive and not the trip that wasnt again, she got back in the car and b'h all is well
its 2 am on pesach and i am still up again , i think i should drink more wine...

Monday, April 21, 2008

recipe of the day

After our long 2 day shabbos and yom tov, which were very enjoyable, we relaxed in the evening with machos, Pesach nachos. To make machos, make a traditional nachos cheese sauce, using matzo meal instead of flour. Instead of tortilla chips, break matzo into tortilla size pieces, cover in cut up vegetables and pour the cheese sauce on it. Some people make two levels of matzo, vegetables and cheese sauce.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

white trash

we were visited today by a city inspector notifying us that tires are not allowed to be on display in front of the house, trash cans need to have tight lids and no peeing on the side of the house during daylight hours.
we told him ok, and now we have to find out which neighbor told on us
chag sameach
(he didnt really mention the peeing)





Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Happy Birthday Yaakov!

Happy Birthday Sammy!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

tax day

today is tax day in america, how many of our Israeli brethren still pay US taxes?

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Now the fun begins

We sent in our application to Nefesh Bnefesh today, we waited until the last possible minute, and then a day. The important this is we got it in, most of it at least, I discovered I forgot to put in the check:(

We also had someone look at our house, which was exciting. We scrambled for the hour before they came to make the house all pretty They walked around for a few minutes, asaid we had a nice house and then left.

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Congratulations all Tiger Fans!

From one team playing badly to another... enjoy your 1st win of 2008.


i went this week and got bags and bags of mulch and woodchips to place in key spots around the yard. the mulch was FREE as a resident of Southfield. and i took full advantage . i put woodchips under the swing so it wont be muddy all the time and then i put some around one of our trees in the front yard and i pulled all the weeds (ivy) out from around the other tree and i think i will be putting more mulch down around it too. so after it snows this weekend maybe we'll even get flowers. who knows what the spring can bring.

Too much Matza?

I've had a PESACH question for years that has bothered me and today I heard an answer. Matza is both the symbol for slavery (lechem oni) and the symbol for freedom (aphikomen) . My question was. Dont we have other things we could use as symbols? Why use Matza twice? It would seem more reasonable to use something else for the aphikomen like the shank bone or a rooster tail or any thing , but not matza- that already is the symbol for slavery? The answer is that the Matza is symbollic of only one thing- slavery. We simply went from being slaves to pharoah to being slaves to Hashem. First we had to learn how to be a slave. That pharoah was very happy to teach us. Now that we know how to be slaves we can transfer that mentality to being a slave to Hashem. It is very good that Matza represents both the slavery in Eygpt and the korban peasach (aphikomen)which is a sign of our slavery to Hashem.!!!. I feel much better now. Have a great Pesach.
the DAD
PS Dr Dan Gotlib hated this vort when I told it to him at partners in torah. oh well

Saturday, April 05, 2008


Does anyone know whats up with the tigers? swept on opening series by KC then lost to the Sox.

Friday, April 04, 2008

More from Jonah

Jonah was outside playing the other day, he found a shovel and announced that he was going to dig for dinosaur fossils in our backyard. He didn't find any bones, but he did find a worm.

He likes to start stories like this..."A long time ago, but not when there were dinosaur, mommy told me......"sometimes he says "A long time ago, but after the dinosaurs died...."Jonah "I really want a grownup to play with

Nat - Grown ups aren't as much as kids, because they have lots of responsibilities like cooking for Shabbos, cleaning, and working"Jonah "yea, but that's boring"

Jonah to Me - "I'm going to ask mommy because she knows the rules."

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

First Steps

Baby Sammy took his first steps today!!!! Literally, his first steps unassisted. And there were quite a few of them!!!
11 1/2 months.....(ok, so he's no Aura). But YAY Sammy!!! My baby's growin up. :)

April fools in israel

During the first recess we (,the Americans,) had a water fight. during the second recess we started pantsing people. It was a lot of fun.

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

April 1 - Daddy Appreciation Day

I just want you to know that you made me smile pretty much the whole rest of the day.

Love you, Daddy. (And that ain't no April Fool's joke!)