Chanukah Party - 5770 - 2nd Night - Motzei Shabbos - 7 pm
We're doing something different this year for the Chanukah party. Times are tough, and I don't know if anyone can really buy all 14 (B"H) of our (Israeli) nieces and nephews presents, so we have come up with a solution. Each couple will receive an e-mail (or Facebook message) with the names of three (or two in our case - we'll buy for Batch) nieces and/or nephews. We will each buy for only the names on our respective lists. Each couple's list will have a baby, one of the oldest kids, and one somewhere in between. Obviously, you don't have to spend the same on a baby as you do on an older kid. You have a spending range of between 75-100 NIS TOTAL for all three kids on your list - so be creative!! Also, please warn your kids so they won't be disappointed to receive only one gift this year.
Hopefully this is not inconvenient for anyone. If it is, please let me know in the comments. We are certainly semi-flexible.
In addition, we are having a Milchig dinner for the Chanukah party/Melave Malka. If you'd like to bake/cook/bring anything, please let me know. We are also up for ordering pizza, if everyone would like to split the cost.
We need:
paper goods
main course (lasagna, pizza?)
cut vegetable platter
latkes (I'm making them)
dessert (sufganiot or other?)
Mom and Dad, Yaakov and Devorah, Milaine and Gabi - We wish you could be here, but will understand if you can't....