The Loop

Sunday, October 30, 2005


well, i wrote a long funny ( i thought so) post about our succos and how geat it was that people came to visit us and i saved it as a draft and never found it again. so here's the short version . we had a great yom tov with family and friends

Thursday, October 27, 2005

a beautiful chag was had by all

Editor's Note: This is Yaakov's "long and funny" blog about chag :)

our chag started out with pinny, melissa, ariella, rena and yoni all cozying up in our one room sukkah sitting in our back yard. the temps were frigid but the warmth was felt by all. there was singing and laughter and drinking and soup to keep us warm. really i think the soup was the clincher. we only had one bee visit our sukkah area and it was hanging around outsid on the steps to the porch. and it seemed to have a bad leg or wing, it wasnt going anywhere fast but it sufficiently freaked out my kids so i had it removed. the only other flying objects in the sukkah were a few moths and a sippy cup.
then we had a restful day or two of chol hamoed whiule we waited for my mother inlaw to come in for shabbos
another lovely time in the sukkah with more soup and singing then a nother day of chol and then mom and dad and batch came in for shmini atzeres and simchas torah.

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Moving On....

After organizing my frustrations, thoughts, and facts about running my program through Yeladim Netivot I have come to the conclusion that I do not want to work with them. I called the rabbi this morning to resign. He would like to sit down with me after Sukkot to discuss this more, I don't think that's such a great idea. I did type up a resignation which I think I'm going to e-mail in tonight.
I am positive with my wonderful skills and great personality I will find something better. I do not however think that I will start up this program any time in the near future...

Thursday, October 20, 2005

I feel blonde

first of all, id just like to mention that this is post #310.

second of all, i feel like such a ditz. so 2day i kinda knocked myself out. i walked into a cabinet. it hurt. a lot. and now my head hurts...
so i called al my friends to tell them and the basic reaction went something like this:
FRIEND:wait- you knocked yourself out??? you walked into a cabinet door??? r u sure god didnt mess up when he didnt make you blonde??
ME: shut up my head hurts

see the sympathy i get? it hurt my least now i have an excuse for school- "im sorry mrs stein, i got knocked out last week and the effects havent quite worn off yet..."
anyhows, we're gonna eat dinner soon with the shaulis and the natalies so i will sign off now...
peace out
always and forever

ps- did you guys know that you can post in differant colors?? taht is SO COOL!!!

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Chag Samayach

Hey! Hope all your second days were fun! My first day of chol hamoed was excellent! I was able to figure out the wireless internet, so now more then one computer can be online at a time. Although my computer is back to being broked... I need to get the cord fixed again... I am on Jessica's computer.
So far Sukkot has been great! I spent Chag Rishon in Efrat, and I'm spending Shabbat up with Sim. Simchat Torah (aka Chag Shaini) I'm going to be in Yerushalayim. The middle is still up in the air, but Uriel and I will come up with something fun. Like how I snuck that in :)
Be nice with your comments...

Monday, October 10, 2005

A new year- A new Effort

Greetings to everyone- Its been a long time since I posted- partly because I forgot how to log on. We had a great visit with David and Shany and look forward to visiting them in their new apt- not quite sure when that will be , but hopefully sooner than later. Very excited about Sarra (2rs) up comming visit. I was thinking that perhaps if there was no upper age limit- I could be part of your program. It sounds like a great way to spend a yr. I had what I think is a chidush walking home from shul. It may not be a chidush - just something that i heard and now forgot that I heard it. Also- it isnt related to anything in particular- just a chidush. As a pre amble- Batch didn't like it- I would be interested in knowing if anyone has heard this thought before- Here goes- Given that the purpose of a Jew is to serve Hashem as an evid(slave)- The true purpose of going down to Eygpt was to teach Klal Yisrael how to be slaves- Once we learned how to be a slave to pharoah- now we can be slaves to Hashem. Thats it- oh well Happy an easy fast to all and to all - a very good night

Sunday, October 09, 2005

home sweet home

hello out there...
We have internet again yay! and a phone line. We are doing wonderful for all those who care. The move was stressful, but it is over. We are in our house and i don't have to deal with the old lady anymore. Our house is great, we have a lot of work ahead of us, but are happy about it.
We had great chagim so far and hope the rest are wonderful too. We think we are doing our Chanukat habayit mozei shabbat. Your all welcome to come in for it, or i'll save you some cake.
We wish you all a shana tova and a fun chag.
Love us.

Not Back Yet

Hey Everyone! No, I'm not back yet...I'm not quite sure why but i still do not have interenet hooked up at my place yet. I'm still hoping for a holiday miracle. Speaking of miracles...Hockey is back!!! Whoo-hoo...and my wings aren't out of shape despite the year was shown by their 2-0 season so far. It won't be easy to stay on top of the games without internet, but i'll see what I can do.
In other news, I may actually be heading to the States for two months...
Two months? Yah...that's right...
I submitted an itinery to the money man, and this week I should get approved for my trip to recruitmentland to start the new program.
Anyway, you know how sometimes you're really in the mood to write, and sometimes you just aren't...
Hopefully I'll be more into this later...
Just wanted to let you all know that I haven't forgotten you...
And in the words of a famous Governer...
I'll be back


We have made it home. Nothing like a Friday afternoon landing to spice up a flight. We arrived at around 3:30, MyShans Dad was waiting for us, and we sped on to Jerusalem for Shabbat. We even had an hour to kill til Shabbat started!! Anyways, it was good to see y'all in America. Now its your turn to visit us!!

Friday, October 07, 2005

My Hero

My Ephraim has 5 cavities. He had two of them filled yesterday, and he took it like a man. He barely complained during the uncomforatble procedure and he went to school right afterwards. He did have trouble eating his pizza lunch, though, because of the Novocaine, but ate a very nice dinner.

Why is he my hero? Anyone who knows me knows that I have very little tolerance for any kind of pain. And Ephraim is a stronger person.

Sunday, October 02, 2005

doing better

Wisdom teeth suck!!!
That being said, I am feeling better now than I was this morning, I think the swelling has gone down on my left side. I still cant really eat solid food but the pain is gone, now I'm just uncomfortable. Thats all from here